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[PubMed] [Google Scholar] 2. of 6C25 m in height. The fruits are of round-shaped in dark-purple to red-purple with rind’s thickness of 6C10 mm and white juicy flesh.[12] The fruit is traditionally used to heal various illnesses including infections, wounds, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal disorder.[13] A HOE 32021 study by Ryu extract and its isolated compounds. [14] The study disclosed that the xanthone backbone is a potent molecular basis for AGI mechanism. Seedcases (10 g) of the plant collected in Vietnam were extracted with 200 ml of solvent by shaking at 30C for 3 days before being evaporated under reduced pressure. Ethanolic extract showed the highest extraction yield (14.2%) of AGI, followed by 50% ethanol (13.7%), water (10.6%), and chloroform (4.9%). Extracts obtained were later subjected to isolation using silica gel column with hexane and acetone as eluent. The assay was performed according to Kim test of ethanolic xanthone extract was carried out in HOE 32021 hyperglycemic rats. The ethanol extract (100 mg/kg BW) showed a significant hypoglycemic impact after 30 min of oral maltose administration, and it was sustained up to 2 h which was similar to the reaction set out by the reference drug, acarbose.[16] L. (L. (rambutan) is one of the valued plant species in Southeast Asia, widely cultivated in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines. Rambutan trees grow in warm, wet, and lowland areas into distinct feature of red or yellow hairy skin.[17] Different part of the plant is well known at its respective medicinal benefits. Malay population uses decoction of rambutan roots to relieve fever. The fruit is traditionally used as anthelmintic to eradicate intestinal worms, whereas the leaves HOE 32021 are believed to cure headaches.[18] It was reported that the major component in rind extracts is geraniin, an ellagitannin with an approximate dry weight of 3.79% (37.9 mg/g of the crude extract).[19,20] Palanisamy rind with water and ethanol, and it was found that the ethanolic extracts procured a higher yield as opposed to the aqueous extract (ethanol 17.8%, aqueous 13.2%). In addition, incorporation of milling process in the extraction has significantly improved the yield by approximately 77% and 87% in the aqueous and ethanol components, respectively (ethanol 33.2%, Rabbit Polyclonal to ZNF287 aqueous 23.4%). However, both rind components exhibited significant AGI activity when compared with acarbose. In addition, encouraging AGI activity of geraniin had been observed in an study with IC50 0.92 g/ml, lower than acarbose (IC50 25 g/ml), the positive control.[20] Other than fruit peels, rambutan seeds also contain a variety of phenolic chemical substances such as ellagic acid, corilagin, and geraniin.[20] In one of the studies by Soeng compared to drug acarbose. The extraction of rambutan seeds was performed using the maceration method and then fractioned using four partitioning solvents (hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol, and water).[22] A modified Farnsworth method HOE 32021 was applied as the phytochemical assay to test the rambutan seeds extract and fraction. The assay showed the 70% ethanolic extract contained HOE 32021 a moderate content of terpenoids, whereas additional fractions (hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol, and water) contained a much lower content. Phenol is found in all components and fractions, except in the water portion. The most potent -glucosidase activity was shown by the seeds ethanolic extract in the dose of 50 g/ml.[21] (is an unexceptional mangrove tree varieties that grow in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Madagascar, Thailand, Laos, Southern China, and Northern Australia.[23] It is locally known as putat and fish poison tree or powder puff tree. Nearly all parts of this.